Ideassion Technology Solutions

Ideassion Family

Return to Office Trend: How Ideassion Thrives with Flexible Work 

Leave behind long commutes and rigid schedules! At Ideassion, we prioritize employee well-being, resulting in high satisfaction (over 85%) and low attrition rates, outperforming industry standards.

Our secret weapon? Flexible work arrangements!

In today’s job market, flexibility is not just a perk but an essential. Offering flexible work options promotes work-life balance and broadens our talent pool. While traditional schedules can exclude many skilled individuals, flexible work allows us to welcome diverse talent, enriching our team with unique skills and perspectives. This approach has resulted in a more diverse and happier team, boosting productivity with a notable increase in women across all levels, including leadership positions.

Here's a glimpse into our flexible work philosophy:

Flexible Hours

Our team can choose their work hours within set guidelines, allowing them to balance their workload with personal commitments. This flexibility has attracted talented interns and candidates, creating a pipeline of skilled professionals gaining industry experience.

Flexible Hours

Flexi Weekly-offs

Employees have the autonomy to manage their time off, prioritizing work plans and ensuring timely completion of tasks. This fosters accountability and ownership, promoting productivity and work-life balance among team members.

Flexi Weekly-offs

Work from Anywhere

This option enhances diversity at Ideassion, broadening our talent pool by attracting skilled individuals from Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities in India and incorporating consultants from countries like Canada, Australia, and the GCC. This diverse team structure showcases the program’s impact and reach. While we offer this benefit to all employees, many still prefer to work from the office or in a hybrid setup, allowing each individual to find their preferred work rhythm and reducing burnout.

Work from Anywhere

This empowers our team to find a work rhythm that works for them, leading to increased satisfaction and a reduction in burnout. We’ve been fortunate to see a significant rise in women across all levels, including leadership positions.

What keeps “Ideassion” connected?

Flexibility doesn’t equate to disconnection. We prioritize communication through daily interactions with peers and mentors, ensuring everyone receives necessary support. Surprisingly, about 65% of our team still prefers working from the office, as it is a hub for learning and collaboration.

 At Ideassion, as we value skill enhancement we conduct sessions like Groom The Techie, Leadership Coaching, and Communication Training, fostering team learning opportunities.

Our commitment to CSR at Ideassion strengthens team bonds, Nurtures a culture of collaboration and social responsibility, keeping our team closely connected. 

Planned events like Festive celebrations, Sports meets, Annual celebrations, day trips to movie outings help them bond together. 

At Ideassion, we prioritize both excellence and the well-being of our employees, recognizing them as our greatest asset. By setting new workplace standards, we create a win-win scenario for our team and customers alike. Our motto, ‘Work Smart, Work Flexible,’ encapsulates our vision.

Ready to thrive with us? Join our collaborative team by applying at Grow with us!”